Tag Archives: Iran

Six years: The price Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe paid for 110 years of bad behaviour by UK governments

We never forgave Iran for “breaking Read more [...]

Horizon scanning in Afghanistan

Islamic State Khorasan Mohamed El-Doufani* writes: The Read more [...]

How to undermine a diplomatic triumph: Biden and the Iran nuclear deal

Biden and Iran nuclear deal Lawrence Davidson notes the Biden administration's misinformation that seeks to blame Iran for the failure to reinstate the nuclear deal, a failure he attributes to US "ideologues tied hand and foot" to the Israel lobby. Read more [...]

Turkey signals sweeping regional ambitions

Neo-Ottoman Turkey 2050 James Dorsey views the significance of a recent broadcast by a Turkish TV station with close ties to President Erdogan depicting Turkey's sphere of influence in 2050 as stretching from southeastern Europe, through Libya, the Gulf and the Levant, and to the Caucasus and Central Asia. Read more [...]

International law vs eternal recurrence: The US and Israel

Lawrence Davidson: "If Biden wants to promote a safer, more humane world under the rule of law, he should turn his attention to the assassin and not the assassinated; to the saboteur and not those sabotaged; to Israel, and… his own nation’s Middle East foreign policy…" Read more [...]

What’s behind the West’s hatred of Iran?

Western hatred of Iran Stuart Littlewood says if Britain and the US had played fair and allowed the Iranians to determine their own future instead of using economic terrorism to bring the country to its knees, Iran might have been “the only democracy in the Middle East” today. Read more [...]

Clausewitz, Trump and Soleimani: US politics is a continuation of Israel’s wars by different means

Clausewitz, Trump and Solemeini Gilad Atzmon writes: The 19th Read more [...]

Killing Iran’s Qassim Soleimani: Rule of law or rule of the jungle?

Killing Qassim Soleimani James Dorsey says adopting the principle of might is right instead of international law “risks creating a global jungle in which wars, political violence, marginalisation of ethnic and religious groups, and destabilising mass migration contribute to rule of the jungle rather than rule of law”. Read more [...]

The killing of Iran’s Qassim Soleimani: US misreads the tea leaves

Trump and Suleimani James Dorsey says the US killing of General Qassim Suleimani is likely to strengthen Iranian hardliners and suggests the Trump administration has walked into a trap in which spiralling tension with Iran is likely to be played out on Iranian, not US terms. Read more [...]

المحاصصة الطائفية محاصصة في الفساد  (Sectarian quotas are allotted to corruption)

Iraqi sectarian quotas بقلم منذرهنداوي وردت Read more [...]