Tag Archives: International Law

UK’s Cameron/Sunak claptrap turns international law on its head

… "Our political leaders must realise that the British public don't want a so-called ally that's bent on genocide and the wholesale destruction of another people's homeland and heritage…" Read more [...]

Questions to the British government about its enthusiasm for Israel’s annihilation of Gaza civilians

UK-Israel "It is the responsibility of Britain, as the nation answerable for this catastrophe, to... join the other 139 countries that already recognise Palestine as an independent state within internationally agreed borders and whose security is just as important as Israel's." Read more [...]

International community faces acid test on Gaza

acid test Stuart Littlewood writes I never Read more [...]

Dynamite: 800 scholars warn of potential genocide in Gaza

genocide warning Stuart Littlewood writes: Here’s Read more [...]

Israel, the West and Gaza: An international law of double standards?

Israel action-reaction "… if you are the victim of… state violence you have no right of self-defence, and... no right to replicate your oppressors’ inhuman tactics. If you attempt it, your actions become terrorism. It suggests an unspoken international law of double standards." Read more [...]

Supplying cluster bombs to Ukraine: how low can the US go?

Cluster bombs "Cluster bombs don't end wars: they Read more [...]

US and UK media censor away a president’s criminal activity

Benjamin Ferencz In a stunning example of docility and manipulation of public opinion, United Stated and British media censored, in their obituaries of Benjamin Ferencz, the last surviving Nuremberg trials prosecutor, his comments on why George W. Bush and co. should be tried for war crimes in Iraq. Read more [...]

Fibs, falsehoods, flummery and fiction drive UK foreign affairs

Lies Plain lying, obfuscation and repeating failed mantra, such as "peace based on the two-state formula", are the order of the day for UK governments, which seem more concerned to buy Israel time to finish off its criminal occupation than achieving a just peace in the Holy Land. Read more [...]

Palestine: London rabbi pays dearly for joining the Israeli occupation

Stuart Littlewood provides some of the context missing from most Western mainstream media reports of the killing of three British colonists in the illegally occupied Palestinian West Bank, including land theft, murders and other acts of violence by Jewish colonists and the Israeli army. Read more [...]

How the UK cheats international law to protect its favourite war criminals

ICC arrest warrants Stuart Littlewood details how the British government uses 'special mission' immunity to protect the Westminster Establishment's racist "friends" in the Israeli apartheid regime, and argues that this reflects "the sickening decline in moral standards in government circles". Read more [...]