Monthly Archives: May 2019

Israel propagandist Alan Dershowitz on Europeans and irrationality

Alan Dershowitz on Europeans and irrationality Gilad Atzmon writes: Noam Chomsky Read more [...]

The Western media are key to Syria deceptions

The Western media is key to Syria deceptions Jonathan Cook argues, using Western state-sponsored deception over the use of chemical weapons in Syria as example, that the Western mainstream media are not a watchdog on power but the public relations arm of giant corporations pursuing their narrow interests in the Middle East. Read more [...]

A robust message from Palestine’s foreign minister and an attempt at Israeli propaganda from BBC Israeli hasbara asset Raffi Berg

Raffi Berg - BBC hasbara agent Stuart Littlewood reports on Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki’s eloquent representation of the Palestinians’ “historic compromise” with Israel and how the BBC website’s Middle East Editor Raffi Berg tried to steer the discussion in a pro-Israel direction. Read more [...]

Senator Schumer’s “divine” mission to serve Israel

Israel pimp Senator Charles Schumer Lawrence Davidson explains why US Democratic Senator Charles Schumer is either a hypocrite or an advocate of apartheid, and asks whether he wants US society to be as racist as that of Israel, which he has pledged to defend “with every bone in his body”. Read more [...]

Was that the next Palestinian president you just banned, Mr Trump?

Stuart Littlewood examines a possible reason for Trump’s refusal to grant Palestinian leading figure Hanan Ashrawi a visa: she “is a highly articulate and persuasive woman… and capable of reducing Trump and his entourage to mincemeat in any broadcast encounter”. Read more [...]

Why not turn the UK parliament into a holocaust memorial?

UK parliament against the background of the Israeli flag Gilad Atzmon argues that rather than marking Nazi war crimes by building a holocaust memorial at the heart of London, British Prime Minister Theresa May and her predecessors would be more honest to themselves and their people if they were to mark their own war crimes. Read more [...]

Expose´: UK’s Labour Party treats Palestinian supporters as mentally ill

Gilad Atzmon exposes the Labour Party offering critics of Israel mental health counselling, and shows how a Labour inquisitor of limited intellectual capacity harangued a member due to the inquisitor’s inability to comprehend simple critiques of Israel and Jewish politics. Read more [...]

The rise of popular democracy

Grassroots democracy Graham Peebles argues that an unstoppable worldwide movement of change is being created by the growing inculcation and expression of grassroots democratic principles, and that this momentum may just be strong enough to save the planet and usher in a new and just way of living. Read more [...]