Tag Archives: Espionage

Are Israeli spies being denied entry to the US?

Things are not the same anymore between Read more [...]

US and allied spying and control vs freedom

Big Brother is Watching You Graham Peebles argues that unconstitutional activity by Western intelligence agencies, rather than protecting citizens, “have themselves become a cause of national iand nternational insecurity by creating an atmosphere of mistrust and fear”. Read more [...]

A US national debate about government spying?

Edward Snowden Lawrence Davidson says debating the merits of US government spying on citizens to protect against terrorism must include the causes of terrorism – US foreign policy and the lobbies behind it. Read more [...]

Unchecked Israel firsters plague Washington

America's Israel stooges Jamal Kanj views some of the key Israeli stooges and spies that have blighted the US body politic, hijacking foreign policy, giving away America’s secrets and corrupting the political process. Read more [...]

Israel’s nuclear gun pointed at Obama’s head

Jonathan Cook argues that nuclear blackmail and intimidation by the pro-Israel lobby, rather than shared values and interests, underpin the US-Israeli “special relationship”. Read more [...]

Capitalism and the spy market

Lawrence Davidson looks at the array of surveillance tools available on the market and argues that these tools are destructive of community bonds and values and therefore should be made illegal. Read more [...]