Category Archives: British stooges

Call to boycott and picket the film “Golda”, which glamourises the racist child killer Golda Meir

Activists from One Democratic Palestine and Palestine Online are calling on the British public to boycott and picket the film "Golda", which treats as a hero a former Israeli prime minister, the racist and war criminal Golda Meir. Read more [...]

British screenwriter Ken Loach challenged before 500 people on bogus anti-Semitism

Gregson-Loach “In Conversation with… Ken Loach”, Read more [...]

Petition to UK Chief Scout Bear Grylls draws 1000-plus in support of Edinburgh Scout Leader expelled over Bogus Antisemitism

Gregson Scouts petition A petition from Scout leader Pete Gregson, expelled for opposing bogus ant-Semitism, to UK Chief Scout Bear Grylls has raised over 1,000 signatures, just a month after it was launched on Change.Org. Read more [...]

UK government votes to become a stooge for Israel

British BDS bill The fact that the UK Parliament adopted the Zionist sponsored anti-boycott (BDS) bill, with fewer than 70 MPs (out of 650) voting against it, shows "how bamboozled and subservient to Israeli propaganda Parliament has allowed itself to become". Read more [...]

UK Free Speech Tsar appears to support fraudulent IHRA definition of anti-Semitism

Arif Ahmed Arif Ahmed, a Cambridge philosophy Read more [...]

Is UK minister Michael Gove an agent of a foreign  power? Or simply a prisoner of his boyish fantasies?

Michael Gove UK Cabinet minister Gove is about to introduce legislation banning councils from boycotting Israeli goods, motivated partly by his Christian Zionist beliefs and disregarding Israel's contempt of international law and its crimes against humanity. Read more [...]

Fibs, falsehoods, flummery and fiction drive UK foreign affairs

Lies Plain lying, obfuscation and repeating failed mantra, such as "peace based on the two-state formula", are the order of the day for UK governments, which seem more concerned to buy Israel time to finish off its criminal occupation than achieving a just peace in the Holy Land. Read more [...]

UK government’s lying to Parliament on behalf of Israel must stop

Andrew Mitchell vs the truth A recent question-and-answer session in the UK Parliament exposed the British government's total alignment with Israel, lending credence to suggestions that it is co-conspirator in prolonging the illegal Israeli occupation so that Israel can achieve its land-grab ambition. Read more [...]

How the UK cheats international law to protect its favourite war criminals

ICC arrest warrants Stuart Littlewood details how the British government uses 'special mission' immunity to protect the Westminster Establishment's racist "friends" in the Israeli apartheid regime, and argues that this reflects "the sickening decline in moral standards in government circles". Read more [...]

Urgent – Help get anti-Zionist Rabbi Weiss into the UK: Don’t let the Zionist terror networks get away with bullying and blackmail

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss Dear Redress Information & Analysis Read more [...]