Israel hasbara would-be killers caught red handed

Israel’s hasbara activists are getting desperate, it would seem.

The Israeli news website Ynet reports that authorities in the US city of New York have indicted two pro-Israel activists for assembling a portable X-ray weapon that they intended to use to secretly sicken or kill opponents of Israel.

The two, Glendon Scott Crawford, 49, and Eric J. Feight, 54, have been charged with conspiracy to provide support to terrorists.

Investigators said Crawford approached Jewish organizations last year looking for funding and people to help him with technology that could be used to surreptitiously deliver damaging and even lethal doses of radiation against those he considered enemies of Israel.

He and Feight assembled the mobile device, which was to be controlled remotely, but it was inoperable and nobody was hurt, authorities said.

In a court affidavit, investigator Geoffrey Kent said that Crawford had “specifically identified Muslims and several other individuals/groups as targets”.

It’s likely that Israel, its sayanim and stooge propaganda bodies, such as Abe Foxman’s Anti-Defamation League (ADL), will claim that they cannot be held responsible for the actions of their supporters.

However, it will be somewhat harder for them to dispute the fact that, through their vile propaganda and smear campaigns against proponents of the Palestinian cause, they have created an environment conducive to the growth of murderous hasbara zealots such as Crawford and Feight.

You only have to look at the language of hate used by Foxman and the ADL against Pullitzer Prize winner Alice Walker to know what we mean.

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